15+ Free Notion Templates for Everything (2024)

If you wish to populate your Notion workspace with helpful tools and templates but are constrained by their prices, then this post is here to help.

We’ve identified 15+ Best Free Notion Templates that you can include in your toolbox to help with everything imaginable. 

From organizing your personal life to streamlining your work projects, these templates cover many functionalities. 

Whether you’re looking to improve productivity, manage finances, or keep track of your daily habits, there’s a template for you. 

The best part? They’re all completely free, meaning you can enhance your Notion experience without breaking the bank. 

Dive into our curated selection and discover how these templates can transform how you organize your tasks, projects, and goals.

Free Personal Templates

The Notion workspace is not only limited to its use in business and career management; it also provides tools and systems to help users organize personal activities such as travel and cooking plans. 

Below are some of the best free templates to help you stay more organized and productive.

1. Read Space Planner

Have you ever wished to cultivate consistent reading habits but don’t know how? The Read Space Planner is here to help. 

Generally, developing reading habits is not as complex as forming many beliefs. With commitment and progressive action, anyone can become a consistent reader. 

The core function of the Read Space Planner is that it helps users stay more organized in their everyday reading. It provides tools to help users arrange their books according to titles, authors, and reading status. 

Here is what the Read Space Planner template looks like:

Through the status feature, users can arrange the books they’ve read and organize the ones they’re yet to read. 

Additionally, the free template has lots of features that make it easier for users to share the workspace. Plus, they’re free.

Features of Read Space Planner

  • Reading planner 
  • Time management tools
  • Goal setting tool
  • Reading status
  • Personal note 
  • Logs for links to other resources

Get the Read Space Planner here

2. Travel Bucket List Tracker

Traveling involves planning, mainly if it involves staying away for several days. However, a journey’s planning phase should not involve as much mental stress as many have described. 

With tools like the Travel Bucket List Tracker, travelers can improve their chances of creating the best experience for themselves, their friends, and their families. It sports easy-to-use templates that users can use to map out their dream journey. 

We often dream endlessly about what our ideal trip would look or feel like. The Traveler Bucket List Tracker template puts the power to create the trip experience in the hands of the users. 

Features of Travel Bucket List Tracker

  • Journey planner
  • Journaling space
  • Travel Checklist 
  • Goal setting tools 
  • Time management tools

Get the Travel Bucket List Tracker here

3. Free Habit Tracker

Our habits influence our overall outlook in life. As such, having the wrong habits can significantly affect our daily experiences. 

Free Habit Tracker makes it relatively easy to see the trends in one’s habits and identify areas that need adjustments. 

Users have all the tools and systems to note and understand how their habits relate to various daily activities. With the workspace, they can enter multiple daily routines and monitor their progress. 

Here is what the template looks like:

Also, the Habit Tracker helps users watch the routines they’re trying to break using the journaling space it provides. 

Ultimately, they’ll be able to see the activities that surround each routine or habit and understand the best approach to breaking them. 

Features of Free Habit Tracker

  • Journaling tool
  • Habit log
  • Progress indicator
  • Visualization tools

Get the Free Habit Tracker here 

4. Notion Daily Journal 

Never break your journaling culture again. Journaling is one of the most potent tools of personal reflection. 

It helps users look over their lives to see how well they’ve lived and then consider all that led to their current experiences. 

It also allows one to know what the future may hold based on the current trends in one’s life.

Here is what the Notion Daily Journal looks like:

Personal reflection becomes easy with the Notion Daily Journal. Plus, it now goes everywhere one goes. More importantly, it’s free. 

Features of Notion Daily Journal

  • Habit tracker 
  • Note-taking tools
  • Journaling tools 
  • Database tools

Get the Notion Daily Journal here 

5.  Skin Routine Tracker

Humans often struggle to keep up with routines, no matter how simple they may be. Usually, the challenge with maintaining routine stems from the fact that people quickly get bored with repetitive activities. 

Thus, we prefer to fill our minds with fun activities and ignore the less interesting ones. Even though routines like personal care have benefits, the daily repetition of the activities can quickly become tedious.

Nevertheless, If you wish to keep a regular Skin Routine but can’t bring yourself beyond a few days of consistency, Skin Routine Tracker Is here to help. 

Here is what the template looks like:

It is designed to help users monitor their daily activities regarding their skin care and also includes sharable features. 

Users can carry their therapists, coaches, and accountability partners. Hence, they would have the push to maintain consistency until they begin to see results. 

Features of Skin Routine Tracker

  • Skincare routine tracker 
  • Progress bar
  • Timer
  • Journaling tool
  • Reminder tools 
  • Product Tracker 

Get the Skin Routine Tracker here 

6. Notion Mood Log

Have you ever wondered how you can reproduce your exhilarating days? Or have you wished you could always have those events that plunge you into depression and a bad mood? 

 Mood trackers are the best way to achieve that. With these simple tools, users can see what activities led to their best days and what caused their undesirable feelings. 

Knowing these causative factors can help anyone consistently move towards the good triggers, resulting in always good days. 

Here is what the Notion Mood Log looks like:

While this sounds too good to be true, it generally aligns with the widely acclaimed law of cause and effect. The more you engage in activities that result in good feelings, the more good feelings you will have. 

Also, it follows that people who engage in activities that lead to bad feelings may struggle to break free from them. Notion Mood Log helps users track how they feel throughout and will attract more of it. Notion 

Features of Notion Mood Log

  • Emotion tracker 
  • Mental health tracker 
  • Journaling Space

Get the Notion Mood Log here. 

Free Business Templates

Notion Workspace has a template for everything users can imagine. Even business people can leverage its free templates to improve their productivity. 

They can use Notion to plan basic activities like content creation, fundraising, scheduling, etc., while focusing on core business activities. 

The templates below help business owners automate several aspects of their business.

7. Content Hub

Businesses without social media strategies are missing out on tremendous opportunities. 

With customers spending an average of 3 hours daily on social media, business owners can leverage their social media handles for a consistent flow of paying customers. 

The Content Hub template makes it easy for business owners to craft efficient social media strategies that would not interfere with their daily business routine. It allows users to create long-term plans to divide into daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly routines. 

That way, they don’t have to go to the drawing board or overthink whenever they want to update their social media handles. 

It’s the best way to keep their customers engaged and their brands consistently in the face of anyone who needs to see what they offer. 

Features of Content Hub

  • Social media planner
  • Calendar
  • Time management tools 

Get the Content Hub here

8. Funding OS

Every business struggles with this aspect, no matter its size. Accessing business credit and funds sits at the top of the challenges facing businesses worldwide, and it’s even worse for businesses in third-world nations. 

While it’s hard to conclude that there’s a template that can guarantee a consistent flow of funds to any business, staying organized regarding fundraising can increase the chance of financial inflow to any business. 

The Funding OS offers business owners the tools to help them manage investor relations, contacts, and business development opportunities. 

Here is what the Funding OS looks like:

Ideally, small, medium, and solo businesses or bigger brands need the right tools to ensure consistent communication between their business and their key partners, investors, and potential customers. 

The tool includes a communication template and planners to help ensure users approach the process correctly. Plus, it’s free.

Features of Funding OS 

  • Investor contact tracker
  • Funding rounds management tools
  • Startup financial progress tracker 
  • Communications and journaling tools. 

Get the Funding OS here

9. Date Ideas Planner & Dashboard 

If you’re prone to missing meetings, necessary appointments, or events, then it’s time to leverage an organizer. Notion Workspace has tools and templates to help busy people stay more organized. 

Generally, productive understand the damages that failure to meet appointments and schedules can do to their business opportunities. 

Established businesses with healthy cash flow can hire secretaries and personal assistants to help them stay on time. 

However, as a solo entrepreneur with a tight budget and unstable cash flow, Notion Date Ideas Planner & Dashboard is one of the best tools to include in your ideal workspace. 

Here is what the template looks like:

Thankfully, users don’t have to pay to own it, and it has features to help users stay organized and productive. 

Moreover, it goes everywhere with you, meaning users can always check to keep up with their schedule, no matter where they are. 

Features of Date Ideas Planner & Dashboard

  • Calendar
  • Planner 
  • Event and Schedule tracker
  • One-on-one coaching call with the creator

Get the Date Ideas Planner & Dashboard  here

10. Meeting Notes

Every business thrives on regular dialogue between teams, staff, and stakeholders. Thus, there’s a need to have a structured template to make meeting note-taking less tasking since it will be a recurrent activity throughout the lifetime of the business. 

The Notion Meeting Notes template comes with read-to-use templates for various business meetings. It aims to help solo business owners and key team members capture the crucial points, strategic decisions, plans,  and impending actions discussed during a meeting. 

With the notes, documentation, and follow-up, it becomes less demanding. Thankfully, the workstation is digital, automatically backing up each meeting note in the Notion database. Hence, there’s no fear of losing the note when the need to revisit it arises. 

Features Meeting Notes

  • Meeting note templates 
  • Notion database
  • Scheduling tools 
  • Calendar 

Get the Meeting Notes here

Free Notion Student Templates

Academic success is not only based on talent alone. With the right tools, every student can reach their potential in their field of study. 

The Free Notion Student Templates listed below provide systems to help students manage their work plans, reading plans, assignments, and exams. 

11. Exams and Assignment Tracker

What happens when you forget to submit your assignment before it’s due? Continuous assessment tools like exams and assignments remain the yardstick schools use to measure student performance. 

No matter the talent a student demonstrates outside the classroom, they’ll be rated below-average students without complementary academic excellence. Thus, Exams and Assignment Tracker provides students with the tools to prioritize their work and monitor their progress with assignments and exams. 

Meanwhile, students usually fail to reach their potential more often due to disorganization than any other reason. With the growing workload and extracurricular activities, students quickly get absorbed and forget to prioritize things critical to their success metrics.

Here is what the Exams & Assignment Tracker looks like:

Cutting the challenge resulting from distraction and disorganization in half is possible with the right tool. 

Features of Exams and Assignment Tracker

  • Exams and Assignments Tracker
  • Time management tool
  • Study Scheduling tools 
  • Timer

Get the Exams and Assignment Tracker here

12. School Sync Template

Becoming an excellent student requires control over several factors, including time, coursework, study plan, and resource allocation. 

Many students struggle with success primarily because they cannot track the key factors influencing their performance. 

The School Sync Template helps users take charge of everything related to their studies and time in school. 

It has spaces where students can record and track virtually everything they do in school, from coursework to dorm checklists. 

Interestingly, it comes with a Pomodoro timer to help students manage their time working. The advantage is that the tool allows students to break their work chunks to make it more manageable and less stressful. 

Here is what the School Sync Template looks like:

Scheduling and calendar tools are also included in the workspace to make following through with their work easier. 

Features of School Sync Template 

  • Course page
  • Notebook
  • Exams and assignments
  • School goals 
  • Dorm checklist 
  • Pomodoro timer
  • Job applications 

Get the School Sync Template here 

13. Reading Corner Notion template

Whether as a hobby reader or a student, no reader can make significant progress without proper organization. 

That is why every academic or educational institution establishes a library to help them organize the body of knowledge in every field. 

Here is what the Reading Corner template looks like:

The Reading Corner Notion Template helps individuals and students organize their books on a virtual shelf. Its user interface sports a bookshelf where readers can stack their books and schedule a reading plan. 

It also sports various tools to help organize books and learning resources into different categories. 

Thus, it becomes easier to stay focused, track one’s progress, and maintain a more progressive reading plan. Thankfully, users enjoy all the benefits mentioned earlier without paying a dime for the template. 

Features of Reading Corner Notion template

  • Bookshelf 
  • Book organizer
  • Goal setting tools
  • Progress bar
  • Journaling and note-taking tools. 

Get the Reading Corner Notion template here

14. University Minder

As the name suggests, University Minder helps students of higher institutions manage their lives in school. It has features and tools to help them keep track of classes, assignments, exams, and projects.

The University Minder is a robust virtual assistant that helps users stay organized and efficient throughout their university life. 

Besides tools to help users stay organized, it also allows users to take notes, keep journals, enter their course lists, and manage their books as they see fit. All these features are accessible within the Notion workspace. 

Interestingly, users can perform all the identified functions from a single interface as the workspace already includes all the templates needed to do them.

Here is what the University Minder template looks like:

In addition, the University Minder template is free. Users can immediately access its features and tools without paying any fee. Also, it is customizable. 

Features of University Minder 

  • Calendar
  • Note-taking tool
  • Journaling space
  • Timer 
  • Database 
  • Goal tracker 
  • Course list template
  • Reminder

Get the University Minder here 

Free Productivity Templates

Having the right tools is arguably essential to improving one’s productivity. Listed below are some of Notion’s best productivity templates. 

15. Notion Task Manager

Managing tasks efficiently does not only save time, it also saves costs and improves productivity. With the right tools and systems, a team can do more in the available time and with fewer resources than they would otherwise. 

Notion Task Manager is an easy-to-use template that offers teams and individuals the tools they need to take charge of all the factors of their goal. 

It comes with tracking tools and several other tools to keep them at the top of all the critical aspects of their vision and mission. The upside is that the tool is free; all team members can access it through the shared. 

Here is what the Notion Task Manager template looks like:

Features of Notion Task Manager

  • Customizable
  • Goal setting tools
  • Time management tools
  • Scheduling tools 
  • Journaling tools

Get the Notion Task Manager here

16. Productivity Planner

Every high performer understands the value of setting realistic goals. However, goal setting is not enough. Failure is inevitable without a strategic plan for reaching the goals. 

That’s why the Productivity Planner is here to help. It is an all-in-one tool designed to help users streamline their activities to those essential to their goals.

With the Notion Productivity Planner template, users can set visionary goals, organize their tasks in order of priorities, monitor progress, and stick to deadlines. 

It sports intuitive tools to help users stay on track until they check each goal off their list. 

Interestingly, the template is customizable, meaning users can leverage its features and tools in every aspect of their life. 

In the case of Productivity Planner, users may have to commit a little funds to get the most out of the template. 

Here is what the template looks like:

Features of Productivity Planner

  • Journaling/Note-taking tool
  • Timer
  • Progress bar
  • Calendar

Get the Productivity Planner here


In this post, we’ve provided a quick overview of 15+ Best Free Notion Templates. We also uncover the features of each template and how they help users manage critical aspects of their lives. 

The list of sports templates is essential to every aspect of human lives, from personal planning to business and academics. 

In the end, users should have enough tools to reach higher productivity levels in critical areas of their lives. 

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